Indiana Hospice and Palliative Care Organization (IHPCO)

IHPCO was established in 1979. It is a statewide, not-for-profit organization supported by members, educational events, grants and donations from supportive organizations and individuals. IHPCO is governed by a board of directors and managed by LeadingAge Indiana.

To educate and support the terminally ill and their loved ones on end-of-life issues, IHPCO provides the following services:

  • Referral information for patients, caregivers and families
  • Helpline for families, friends and professionals
  • Education for the public and professionals
  • Speaker’s bureau
  • Public education campaigns
  • Technical assistance for providers
  • Networking opportunities for professionals
  • Educational tools
  • Newsletters
  • Data collection
  • Information to legislative and regulatory bodies

Contact information:
Eric Essley| 317-733-2380 |


One of your benefits of a LeadingAge Indiana (LAIN) membership is access to LeadingAge (National).  They offer a vast amount of resources that supplement the benefits you receive from LAIN.

LeadingAge is a community of nonprofit aging services providers and other mission-driven organizations serving older adults.

As a provider member, you’ll get access to the tools and resources you need to do your job, in addition to our exclusive network where you can meet and learn from like-minded professionals. You’ll be joining forces with more than 5,000 organizations and 38 state partners committed to making America a better place to grow old.

Business membership delivers professional tools and resources—and offers access to a network like no other. You’ll join more than 5,000 organizations and 38 state partners committed to making America a better place to grow old. LeadingAge members and state associations are united by a collective commitment to serving the aging population.


Value First

Value First

Value First is a group purchasing organization (GPO) that provides free, no-obligation services for senior living communities. Value First can help reduce operational costs through discounted pricing and rebates on food, medical, environmental and office supplies as well as capital equipment.

Value First is owned by LeadingAge and 25 state partners, and revenues are shared back to LeadingAge to help fund the valuable programs and services that support members. Value First focuses exclusively on supporting the purchasing needs of LeadingAge members by providing choices, solutions and savings on food, medical, environmental and office supplies.
